A feasibility study is a spatial-technical analysis of the possibilities for sustainable energy, such as wind energy, solar energy or geothermal energy, at a specific location. Depending on the request, a feasibility study, also known as a location study, can be carried out in the form of a quick scan or a more extensive location study.

Pondera has developed extensive experience in preparing feasibility studies for project developers, governments, and landowners.

The aim of such a study is to explore the spatial possibilities and potential for wind energy, solar energy or geothermal energy for a specific location or region. A GIS[1] analysis collects information about relevant area characteristics and existing functions that are compatible with sustainable energy. The following aspects are usually taken into account for wind and solar energy: (environmental) nuisance, external safety, grid connection, land use, ecology, aviation, archaeology, and cultural history. Specifically, for geothermal energy, it is possible to look at the sub surface potential, such as whether aquifers are of sufficient size and heat, and also the nearby heat demand, such as industry, heat networks, greenhouse horticulture.

Next, for the identified locations with spatial possibilities for sustainable energy, a first step can be made for a design of, for example, a wind farm or solar park. If desired, we can provide an indication of the energy yield and a business case based on the results of this study.

The results of the feasibility study and location study can provide insight into the necessary next steps, such as further necessary research or spatial and legal procedures.

[1] Geographical Information Software; program for the collection, analysis, and processing of spatial and project-specific data.

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