Pondera provided the EIA and permit procedure for Yard Energy, Innogy (formerly RWE) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the National Coordination Regulation (RCR) Wind Farm N33. On 29 May 2019, the Council of State issued a decision on Wind Farm N33 and concluded that the decision was taken with due care. The Windpark N33 consists of 35 wind turbines of the type Siemens Gamesa DD-130 R19 with a hub height of 135 metres and tip height of almost 200 metres. The wind farm is located in the municipalities of Meeden, Veendam and Oldambt along the N33 national road. Pondera conducted research into various (environmental) effects, of which noise, shadow flicker, landscape and external safety are the most important for this wind farm. Maps and photo visualisations were made to illustrate the information. The results are contained in an environmental impact report that served as the basis for the National Integration Plan and the permits. Given the location and administrative relationships, the transfer of information via the EIA is an important topic. In addition to the EIA, Pondera provided permit applications and exemptions, such as for the Wabo, the Nature Conservation Act, Flora and Fauna Act, the National Water Management Works Act and the Railways Act. Pondera is also contributing to the construction of the wind farm by providing permit management during this phase. This concerns the submission of reports and data to obtain all necessary permissions and to ensure that construction is carried out in accordance with the regulations. Pondera is also acting as an information contact point for contractors on the project.

Project manager

Strategic Renewable Energy Consultant


Yard Energy en innogy Wind



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