Updated method for calculating environmental safety for wind turbines

Mark Rijntalder
Mark Rijntalder
Wind Resource and Energy Systems Engineer
Pondera onshore wind project
Pondera onshore wind project
To ensure that wind turbines can contribute to a clean and sustainable future, it is essential that they are safely and responsibly integrated into their environment.  We therefore commissioned RIVM, in collaboration with Antea Group, to carry out a study on the calculation methodologies used to determine the safety risks caused by wind turbines (‘effect modelling’).  This resulted in an updated calculation method for assessing the external safety of wind turbines. 

Technological advances of wind turbines are leading to the development of increasingly efficient designs. These new models have become larger in size and have more safety systems to prevent accidents. Because new models have more protection systems, current calculation methods and failure scenarios are often overestimated. Hence, these changes call for adjustments in policy around wind turbines. Whereas the failure scenarios used to consist of nacelle failure, tower failure, blade throw at rated speed and blade throw at overspeed, the new calculation rules approach them differently. 

The RIVM advises the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to use the adjusted calculation method in the policy regarding safe installation of wind turbines and external safety. In practice, these new rules bring important changes, including adjusted impact distances for blade throw, improved methodologies for determining hit probabilities, and a significant reduction of failure probabilities by about 60%. Overall, the safer wind turbines and the new calculation methods enable more sites to be suitable for wind turbines. However, due to the larger impact distance, a larger area will have to be investigated. These calculation methods are expected to be implemented starting from 2026. 

The publication of the full report by RIVM can be found here: https://www.rivm.nl/publicaties/actualisatie-rekenmethode-omgevingsveiligheid-windturbines. We enthusiastically contributed to the background report (Rapportage-effectmodellering-PDF) that forms the basis for these new guidelines.  

Would you like to know more about these new calculation rules for your existing or planned wind energy project? Get in touch with us! 

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