
Privacy & Policy

Pondera Consult
Pondera Consult

Privacy statement

Pondera is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this privacy policy statement. 

Contact information: 

Amsterdamseweg 13, 6814 CM Arnhem 

+31 (0)88-7663372 

1. Personal data which we process 

Pondera processes your personal data because you use our services, or because you provide them to us directly. 

Below you will find a list of personal data that we process: 

• Names and surnames 

• Job title and company name 

• Physical and postal addresses 

• Telephone numbers 

• Email addresses 

2. Special category personal data which we process 

We do not collect special personal data. Our website is not intended to collect data of people who are younger than 16 years unless they have permission of a parent or guardian. However, we cannot check if a visitor to our website is older than 16. We advise parents to be involved with the online activities of their children to prevent the unauthorized collection of children’s personal data. If you have reason to believe we collected a minor’s personal data without consent, please contact us at so that we can delete this information. 

3. Goals and lawful bases for processing personal data 

Pondera processes personal data for the following ends: 

• Sending our newsletter; 

  To call or email you in case it is necessary to provide our services. 

4. Automated decision making 

Pondera does not make decisions based on automated processing i.e. without intervention of a human. 

5. Data retention 

Pondera stores your personal data only for the time required for us to provide our services. We use the following data retention times: 

Personal Data Retention time Reason of retention 

Names and surnames Until termination of newsletter; Sending newsletter; making contact 

Job title and company name Until termination of newsletter; Sending newsletter; making contact 

Address data Until termination of newsletter; Sending newsletter; making contact 

Telephone number Until termination of newsletter; Sending newsletter; making contact 

Email address Until termination of newsletter; Sending newsletter; making contact 

6. Cookies or similar techniques which we use 

Pondera uses technical, functional and analytic cookies which do not violate privacy. Moreover, we use social media cookies to enable social media sharing. A cookie is a small text file which is saved on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit a website for the first time. Cookies make sure a website works correctly and are used to save, for example, your preferences. They also allow us to optimize our website for your specific device or region. You can opt out of using cookies by configuring your browser to not save cookies. You can also use your browser options to delete all previously saved data. 

7. Viewing, changing or deleting your data 

You have the right to view, change or delete your data. You also have the right to withdraw your permission to let Pondera process your data. You can send a request for insight, change or deletion of your personal data to 

Pondera would also like to point out that you can file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority. 

8. Securing your data

Pondera takes securing your personal data very seriously and actively takes measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access or unwanted publication of your data. If you feel like we do not secure your data appropriately or if there are signs of misuse, please contact us at 

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