
Environmental impact assessment & consenting

Environmental impact assessment & consenting
Environmental impact assessment & consenting
Large-scale renewable energy, storage and electricity grid projects have an environmental impact. These impacts are typically assessed in an EIA report. Pondera has extensive experience with environmental impact assessments and permits for sustainable energy- infrastructure projects. Thanks to this experience and knowledge, Pondera can effectively support clients in obtaining the necessary consents for their projects. 
Environmental impact assessments (EIA)

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) maps out the environmental impact of a plan or project before the competent authority takes a decision or grants a permit. As such, the environmental interest is included in the decision-making. The research results are included in a report, known as the EIA. Based on national and European legislation, an EIA is prescribed for projects with potentially significant environmental impacts. In recent years the EIA has extended and more non-environmental topics, like socio-economic effects, are included. This is also referred to as a Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA). Instead of a classic report, the results of the EIA can also be presented in a digital EIA. In this case we create an interactive website that uses maps and graphics to present the EIA results in an easily accessible way. Projects with a large number of stakeholders can benefit from this helpful tool. 

Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA)

SEIA is the assessment of the high-level environmental impacts of a proposed policy or plan, that will facilitate future projects with a potential environmental impact. The difference between the strategic EIA and the project EIA is that the project EIA is much more specific on a certain project and specific location, whereas the strategic EIA focuses on the high-level environmental impact of – for example – a certain policy choice. 

Permit & Consent applications

An environment and planning act permit is the official approval of the competent authority to build and operate a (renewable energy) project. To obtain this permit several documents have to be submitted and surveys prepared. For example, a comprehensive description of the project, construction drawings and noise surveys are part of the required documentation for the application. Pondera can prepare the full scope permit application(s) required for your project and guide you up to the granting of the (ir)revocable permit.  

Legal advice (public and private law)

When realizing a renewable energy initiative, several legal questions come up. What consents and permits do I need? How should I draft the contract with the supplier or landowner? Or how should I cope with the permit requirements when building and operating my project? Besides, most projects face some sort of legal opposition nowadays and end up in court or at the Council of State. Pondera can support with solid legal- and policy advice in the field of energy transition, public and private law, and has successfully been involved as an expert in dozens of trials over the past 15 years. 

Our solution

Our milestones range from contributing to the world’s first offshore wind farm to playing a role in the  development of more than 16 GW of renewable energy projects worldwide. Every Pondera project, large or small, adds an essential piece to the global energy transition puzzle.  

As a very experienced consultant in permitting and consenting of renewable energy projects, we can help you obtain the necessary permits for your project in time.Together we push for new frontiers in-sustainable energy generation, transport, conversion, and storage.  

Frank Ev R 2936
Frank Schellen
Team Manager Environment & Consenting
Talk to an expert

Pondera is a beacon for all who are dedicated to the energy transition. Our work transcends borders, driven by the belief that the key to overcoming societal challenges is through international collaboration of businesses and governments. With innovative solutions we pioneer renewable energy, guiding the world to a sustainable, clean and secure energy supply.  

More services

We are tackling climate change head-on by unlocking the limitless potential of renewable energy. Our purpose is to contribute in a thoughtful way to a sustainable environment in which renewable energy, nature and local society go hand in hand.  

Feasibility Studies
  • Technical, spatial and financial feasibility of projects
Environmental impact assessment & consenting
  • Environmental impact assessments (EIA)
  • Strategic environmental impact assessment (SEIA)
  • Permit & Consent applications
  • Legal advice (public and private law)
Stakeholder management
  • Participation plan (financial and process)
  • Project communication
  • Stakeholder engagement
Financial & subsidy advice
  • Business case modelling
  • Project financing
  • Subsidy applications (a.o. SDE++)
  • Financial management
  • Due diligence (acquisition and sale)
Contractering & Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Contracting
  • Owner’s engineering
  • Construction support and site management
Project management
  • Project management
  • Tender management
Data-analytics & Modelling
  • Met ocean
  • Wind resource assessment (LiDAR, LES modeling)
  • AERIUS calculations 
  • Site conditions assessment (external safety, acoustic and sound analysis, shadow analysis)
  • Risk Analysis (QRA) for Energy storage projects
  • Battery revenue assessment
  • Energy system modeling
  • Solar yield assessment
(International) energy policy
  • Policy advice and support
  • Roadmap development
  • Capacity building
  • International market studies
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