Solar park Koegorspolder

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Ton Huijben
Construction manager & Safety officer
Solar farm Koegorspolder
Solar farm Koegorspolder
Shell has realized one of the largest solar parks in the Netherlands in Koegorspolder, located south of Terneuzen. Pondera has been involved in the construction supervision and implementation. It is the first project for Pondera in which we only provide construction supervision for a solar farm.  

The Koegorspolder solar park has a total capacity of 71 MW, divided into two parts. The smaller part of 30 MW (Sluiskil) supplies its energy directly to the business network of fertilizer manufacturer Yara. The other 41 MW section (Tractaatweg) connects to an existing wind farm. Here, the jointly generated sun and wind energy is supplied to the grid. To avoid the grid from being overloaded, a special system has been developed that regulates the power supply from the wind turbines and solar panels and shut it down if necessary. 

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